A critical appraisal of the key deficiencies in risk workshop methodology that may lead to them producing of misleading or useless data

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Date: 11/27/2008

Subject RE: Reasons for Risk Workshops failing to deliver accurate quantitative information

Group: Risk Management Executives & Professionals

Franco Oboni wrote:

Dear Gavin,

Add me to the list of people who agree on the 18 points.
Ar Riskope we are totally against workshops, but unfortunately we get sometimes forced into them by clients.
We have expressed this view in our book, suggesting that one on one interviews are fare more constructive than workshop, defined an interview format, and a set of rules to determine probabilities.
To complete this discussion I would like to add that we generally develop tolerability criteria simultanously with the risk assessment, there too using specific methodologies and applications.
Visit our web iste to know more http://www.riskope.com

Let me know if you would like to join my network on LinkedIN.
Thank you for the list of 18 points. I will certainly use it, and reference you!

Franco Oboni
Oboni Riskope Associates Inc.,


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